My current research interest is verification of concurrent programs, more specifically using Dynamic Partial Order Reduction techniques. I am part of aSSIst Project. Before that, I worked in the area of Weak Memory Models. During masters, I worked on the area of Invariant generation.
Abdulla, P.A., Atig, M.F., Das, S., Jonsson, B., Sagonas, K.: Trading space for simplicity in stateless model checking. Real Time and Such (2024)
Abdulla, P.A., Atig, M.F., Das, S., Jonsson, B., Sagonas, K.: Parsimonious optimal dynamic partial order reduction. In: Computer Aided Verification, CAV (2024)
Abdulla, P.A., Atig, M.F., Bønneland, F.M., Das, S., Jonsson, B., Lång, M., Sagonas, K.: Tailoring stateless model checking for event-driven multi-threaded programs. In: Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis, ATVA (2023)